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Det siger vores kunder
  • Vi kan jo ikke andet end sige at dine kurser stadig efter en del år er en bragende succes, og jeg kan jo tilføje at det er med stor tilfredsstillelse at jeg noterer mig hvorledes dine kursister bruger det de har lært og bliver meget bedre til at skrive artikler.

    Og jeg kunne blive ved ….

    Solveig Nissen, Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet
  • I recently attended a series of intensive 1-1 coaching sessions at GlobalDenmark in order to strengthen my negotiation and presentation skills in English.

    It was a highly rewarding experience and I strongly recommend GlobalDenmark for personal and professional development.

    Mie Hernig, Country Manager
  • Thank you for your excellent and competent teaching. I’ll certainly have you in mind in my future writing processes and will possibly return for editing assistance.

    Elise Bromann Bukhave, Lektor – Ph.d. Professionshøjskolen Absalon
  • I had a very productive time, learned about writing, and enjoyed the social aspects of this retreat as well. It was well structured without being overloaded, and, thus, leaving sufficient time for deep work.It could be a good idea to have something like this as a regular event, i.e., annually.

    PhD Fellow, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
  • I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful writing retreat! I heard people saying only good things and the same goes for me. I learned a lot AND got some writing done which is just perfect. It was such a pleasure having you with us for the last days.

    PhD Fellow, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
  • Thanks to the Academic Writing Course I was able to write a proper abstract and got accepted for giving a talk at a very prestigious conference.

    Paula Szymczak, Industrial PhD Fellow, Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen
  • Thanks again for an effective presentation workshop.

    Last week I attended a CBS workshop where we pitched our PhD project to a panel of judges and I won the award for best pitch.

    So thanks a lot, for the powerful tools and for getting me to reflect on the keys of presenting.

    Asbjørn William Ammitzbøll Flügge, PhD Fellow, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
  • Thanks to the Academic Writing Course I was able to write a proper abstract and got accepted for giving a talk at a very prestigious conference.

    Georg Ørnskov Rønsch, Industrial PhD Fellow, DTU Compute and LEGO Group