English in the workplace
Expand your skills and increase your confidence when using English professionally
In our dynamic and globalised world, collaboration across borders is becoming an increasingly important part of daily work. Therefore, English is an essential part of working life for many people at all levels of an organisati on. This is true both internally in relation to communication between colleagues and externally in relation to international partners and customers.
The increasing need to communicate in English in a professional context means that many people feel out of place when carrying out their daily tasks. That's why GlobalDenmark offers a course on English in the workplace to strengthen your professional and vocational language and your English skills in general.
The aim of the course is to make you confident enough to speak freely in English with colleagues, business partners and customers. If you strengthen your 'business English' and express yourself more fluently, you will come across much more professional and credible.
To increase your skills as much as possible, GlobalDenmark's course 'English in the workplace' is practical and action-oriented. The course alternates between short presentations, reflections in plenary and instructor-led exercises to strengthen and fine-tune your language. The action-oriented perspective means that we take our onset in real-life situations that you will encounter in your working life.
Our course develops both your language and writing skills, while also working on your cross-cultural communication.
You will gain
Increased vocabulary
Being able to communicate in English in a professional context is not the same as being able to speak 'everyday English'. Therefore, the course focuses on expanding your skills and confidence in professional English. One of our aims is to increase your vocabulary within your particular professional area and where it makes sense in relation to your work tasks. You will also receive tips on how to further expand your vocabulary on your own.
English as a working language
By expanding your vocabulary and strengthening both your written and oral skills, you will become more comfortable using English in professional and administrative tasks. The aim of strengthening your English skills is to make you more confident when using English in your working life.
Cultural understanding
Using English in the workplace is not just about how you use your language skills. It's also very much about being able to communicate across cultures. Therefore, the course will also give you an insight into how cultural issues can have an impact on communication.
Practical feedback
Since the course is based on practical and action-oriented cases, you will have the opportunity to gain plenty of practical experience in a safe environment. It means that you will be able to try out your new tools with us, ensuring that you're ready to use them after the course.
About the course
Working language
3-day course:
30 April
7 May
14 May
(all days from 09:00-12:00)
Global Denmark
Bülowsvej 48A st.
1870 Frederiksberg C
Price per participant
DKK 4,000 excl. VAT
Who is this course intended for?
The course 'English in the workplace' is aimed at administrative staff who use English as a working language when communicating with foreign customers and partners - and who want to improve that English. For example secretaries, service workers, call centre employees or front desk staff.
If you want to strengthen your skills and expand your comfort zone when speaking and writing English with international colleagues, customers or business partners, this is the course for you.

Contact us for a tailored course adapted to your needs
At GlobalDenmark we always have fixed dates for our courses. If these dates do not suit you or if you and several colleagues would like to attend the same course, we also offer tailor-made courses.
For example, if you want to improve your English skills within your particular subject area, we can develop a programme that uses either group teaching, coaching and consultancy that is tailored to your specific context.
At Global Denmark, we have over 30 years' of experience teaching professional and business English to companies, research institutions and professional organisations. Use our contact form to the right or call us for a chat about how we can meet your specific needs.
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