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Courses in management

Whether you are a new or experienced manager, you may need to refresh or develop your management style.
The role of manager is constantly evolving.
It is therefore important that you continue to strengthen your skills.

The role of manager challenging and complex. The role requires taking the lead and being able to inspire and motivate your team. The concept of leadership is constantly evolving, which is why it is essential for a good leader to continuously strengthen and develop their skills through courses, coaching and further management training.

Global Denmark offers courses and coaching in management for anyone who has management responsibilites in their daily work and who want to develop their personal and professional skills. For example, perhaps you want to improve your ability to talk to employees about collaboration, strengthen your personal impact or spar about a specific problem you are struggling with as a manager. Through training or coaching, we help you build your leadership role, so you are better equipped to deliver results and drive your business forward.

Our management courses and individual coaching sessions are designed to develop your leadership role and will be based on your current level of experience. At the same time, we will also focus on your ability to strengthen your department's work culture and sense of cohesion. Our management courses and coaching programmes cover topics such as cross-cultural collaboration and effective meetings.

The aim of our leadership courses and coaching programmes is to strengthen your leadership skills so  you become an even better leader to your employees. We focus on the fundamentals of good leadership and provide you with new knowledge, practical methods and effective leadership tools. Check out our range of leadership courses below, or fill in the contact form and we will contact you to discuss your needs.


Management coaching

Management coaching at GlobalDenmark is based on your specific situation and the tasks and challenges you face as a leader.


Leadership coaching can be relevant for both new and experienced leaders who want to develop their ability to handle difficult or unfamiliar situations. Together with your coach, you will work on concrete situations and challenges that you may face as part of you role as a manager. We will spar with you about your challenges and your role as a leader and provide you with the tools and skills to deal with similar situations in the future.


Cross-cultural management

This course is suitable for anyone working in a cross-cultural environment who wants to develop their skills in leading an organisation or group where multiple cultures are at play.


The course in cross-cultural management will provide you with the language, communication and cultural skills and management tools to develop your leadership role and adapt it to international employees and a multicultural teams. By becoming more aware of the importance of cultural differences, you will create a better work environment for your employees and your team.


Cross-cultural collaboration

Our course in cross-cultural collaboration is relevant for anyone working in or leading an organisation or group where several cultures meet.


Culture can be a national or local phenomenon, and there a cultural differences between people from different countries, different regions, even different professions. Working and being within the framework of a culture we know makes us feel safe.  Which is why it's important that a manager is familiar with the cultural origins of his team and knows how to create a cross-cultural collaboration between employees with different backgrounds. Global Denmark's course provides training in managing and collaborating across borders and cultures. 


Efficient meetings

Running an effective and relevant meeting that creates value for participants and ultimately for the organisation is not necessarily an easy task.


Meetings easily run too long and sometimes veer off into unimportance. It is important that participants in a meeting have no doubt about the value and relevance of a meeting that they just attended. That's why we've put together a course that will give you the tools to run a meeting effectively for all parties.

Tailored courses and coaching

Contact us for a tailored course adapted to your needs

At GlobalDenmark, we offer tailor-made courses and coaching in leadership for companies and organizations in all industries. We can help you with everything, but also just with a few smaller parts of an international project – so that it meets your exact needs.

To be properly equipped to excel in the management role within an international organisation, it is important to understand the cross-cultural challenges and opportunities that surround said organisation.

As experienced consultants with over 30 years' of practical experience, we can help prepare you for the various management situations you may encounter. Through presentations and practical exercises, we will equip you for an international leadership role.

Use the contact form on the right, or give us a call and we can discuss how your specific needs can be met in the best possible way.

A selection of our customers

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